So I've picked up a few bits from lush, and Superdrug, so as usual I thought I'd share them with you!
First of all I've been dying to try the Loreal Infalliable 24 hour foundation, I actually tried it the other day for a few hours and my first impressions was that it was a satin finish, medium coverage but buildable, it didn't cover all my red spots though which was a let down but I'll have to try it for a longer period of time to form my actually opinion. I'll defo do a review on this product! This is £10.00.
I've wanted the Mac fix plus spray for the longest time, but it is £17 and I just can't justify spending that money right now. I've seen quite a few people use the makeup revolution setting spray all around YouTube and on insta so I decided to pick it up and give it a try for myself! It's only £5 aswell!
I've needed to get a full on matte primer for the longest time, so I picked up the Infalliable mattifying base, I'm yet to try this but the formula feels quite lightweight and silicone based. It was only £8 I believe!
Then I got the Loreal brow artist and this is a standard eyebrow pencil, but on the other end it has got a white pencil which is great for highlighting the brows precisely! You can also use it to highlight around your lips to clean up your lipstick! I totally rate this product I think it's such a cool concept and it's only £4.99 which is a bargain compared to the anastasia and Mac ones at around £15!
As summer is approaching I decided I wanted to get myself a gradual tan. I've been researching the best ones to get, I didn't want to spend a fortune on st. Tropez tan because I'm only going to wear it on my legs. I saw zoella hype about this product in one of her vlogs so I decided to get it! Once again I'm yet to try it out but I shall review this for you guys to see how I get on with it! It was reduced to around £3 in boots from £6.
Then lastly from Superdrug I got the biore pore strips. I've been wanting to try these for ages as I have so many blackheads on my nose, However these were very disappointing as they didn't pull out any blackheads, all they done was make my nose super matte! Which I suppose is better than doing nothing but still... I had high expectations for these. At least they were on offer for £3 from £8!
Moving swiftly onto lush...
So first I got this beautiful bath bomb 'sex bomb'. It smells of lavender to me and it turns your bath pink and looks so pretty!
I then got a bubble bar called 'creamy candy' and it smells a bit like the comforter to me, but a but my floral. And once again it's super pretty!
Thank you guys so much for reading this lil haul!
Love you all xoxoxo
Twitter- Minniemouse_678
Instagram (personal)- Miss_sophxo
(Blog account)- Beautyandfashiongeek_
I love the bath bombs!